Operator Water Chemistry Part1


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This APP is for reviewing commonly found water chemistry and chemical terms generally used on Operator Certification Exams. This includes, Water Distribution, Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment and Laboratory examinations. This has 15 general water chemistry questions.For Operator Certification Review of Water Treatment, Distribution and Wastewater Treatment Exams. This APP will cover generally accepted questions that are found on Operator Certification exams. There are several editions of this APP. We hope you will download one of our 100 different CEU training courses See if your State accepts it for continuing education. We will cover chemistry, pH and related subjects. Visit ABCTLC.COM for more information.The target audience for this APP includes water distribution workers, well drillers, pump installers, water treatment operators, and wastewater operators. Also included are people interested in working in a water treatment/wastewater treatment or distribution facility and/or wishing to maintain knowledge for a certification license or to learn how to perform their job safely and effectively, and/or to meet education needs for promotion. There are no prerequisites, and no other materials are needed for this APP.
This APP contains EPA’s federal rule requirements. Please be aware that each state implements drinking water regulations/Safety that may be more stringent than EPA’s regulations/OSHA. Check with your state environmental agency/Safety for more information.